What is a Log Splitter?

A log splitter is a machine for home use, as well as commercial business use. It can be powered by either an engine that supplies pressure to hydraulics or through manual control and it handles the splitting of cut logs whether they are large or small pieces of wood.

You know that feeling when you use your wood for heating and the logs are just not cutting it anymore? It’s time to invest in a splitter. If having more than one large pile of split wood is too much work, then look into getting this handy tool beforehand so all future efforts will go smoothly.

Log Splitter Categories

When you’re looking for a log splitter, the type of machine that will work best is important. There are two main styles: vertical and horizontal; each one has its benefits depending on what kind of splitting task needs to be completed. So which should suit your needs?

Let’s take them one at a time!

Vertical Splitters

Vertical splitters are machines that can handle all of your big-ticket items and will cut logs at ground level to avoid having you lift them up. These powerful beasts have been designed for any wood species, size, or age – making them perfect in both commercial settings as well as residential ones.

Horizontal Splitters

A horizontal splitter is an excellent choice if you only have logs that can be lifted to place on the machine. This type of saw isn’t as powerful, but it’s easier and takes up less floor space than vertical models do – all making them great for home use.

Types of Log Splitters and How They Work

As the power of splitting machines has evolved, so too have their capabilities. Log splitters can be categorized by how they’re powered and what models are available for your specific needs – from small portable units perfect to take camping or use around home fixtures like an outdoor fireplace where you want more than just basic splitting duties.

There are five different types of splitters, and they each provide a certain level of power to the machine.

They can be powered with electricity but most often use hydraulic pressure so that one part, in particular, does all work – namely powering down an axe blade for splitting wood into pieces small enough for fires.

Gas Log Splitters

When you need to split a lot of logs, there is no better tool than the power and size that comes with gas-powered log splitters. They can easily tow behind your vehicle when it’s time for transport.

Gas splitters often offer more versatility as well; many models will work in both horizontal and vertical positions making them when we want hardwood firewood at home.

Electric Log Splitters

Electric log splitters are small, lightweight and quite popular for homeowner use. They run from a regular outlet just like any other appliance in your house.

The best part is they can be used indoors too such as with wood stored inside an attached garage or shed where there isn’t much room elsewhere to operate them without taking up valuable floor space.

3-Point Log Splitters

A 3-point log splitter is an essential tool for any farmer or homeowner that needs to split wood. You can use it with your truck’s hitch, and depending on what type of vehicle you have in mind.

There are three different options: Category 1 fits small cars like jeeps; 2 works well with pickups trucks up through 1500 pounds gross weight capacity (or less); 3 would be perfect if they had a camper shell.

Skid Steer Log Splitter

If you’re tired of splitting wood the old-fashioned way, try out a skid steer log splitter. It’s much like an electric or gas-powered hydraulic one – but instead attaches to construction vehicles such as Bobcats.

Skid steer log splitters connect to your Bobcat or front loader as an attachment and are designed for powerful cutting. These units can be used on farms, ranches, commercial businesses when clearing land or other large areas like construction sites in need of preparation before laying down pavement material such as concrete.

Kinetic Log Splitters

Kinetic splitters are fast, powerful, and efficient. They don’t need hydraulics because they rely on stored energy that’s applied through spinning flywheels which are released when the logs need to be cut in one sweep.

You can find gas or electric models that work quickly and require less maintenance.

What to Look For When Choosing a Log Splitter

If you’re in need of a splitter, then the process isn’t as simple as just picking one and hoping it’ll do. There are many factors that should be considered when making your choice.

Green vs Seasoned Wood

The difference between green and seasoned wood is significant. Green wood, or recently cut trees still contain a lot of moisture which makes it heavier to handle but also stronger than seasoned wood that’s been allowed time for drying out before cutting into boards.

The density means you’ll need more force from your splitter when making cuts.

Hardwood vs Softwood

Hardwood trees are usually denser than softwoods, which means that they require greater force to split them. Harder species like oak and walnut have much higher tensile strength levels compared with pine or spruce for instance.

Log Size

Besides the obvious disparity in size, a smaller log is going to require less force for it be split. Make sure that your splitter has enough power and capacity when considering which one you’re going with.

Automatic Ram Return

The importance of an automatic ram return is that it quickly returns the machine to where you left off. This allows for quicker cuts, which are important when working with log splitters without sacrificing efficiency.


When you’re looking for a log splitter, the first thing to consider is how much power it will have. The tonnage of your machine refers to its raw strength and can be compared with other machines in order to determine what kind of workload they are designed for – which means that if your logs have more weight than another type or size on hand then this may not actually do an as good job at splitting those logs.

In addition, there’s also wood type: green versus seasoned. Green wood requires 16 tons per 12 inch while seasoned wood needs only around 7 tons.


Log splitting is a process that often takes place in the wintertime when wood-burning for warmth becomes more popular. It can be done by hand or with specialized equipment such as log splitters, which are also good to have on hand if you plan to use your own cut logs instead of those bought from a store.

Whatever type of splitter you choose, make sure it’s powerful enough and able to handle large pieces of wood as well as smaller ones so all your efforts go smoothly and without hassle.